We have 2 high speed (at least they are compared to others in the area) log trailer lifting gantries at Weigh Northland, if you are a logger and already have an account with Weigh Northland then these gantries are available as part of your account.
Call 0800-432-891 if you need any help or if you feel that there is a problem that we need to know about. This equipment is serviced regularly but there are times we need to do a bit more due to normal wear and tear that the industry generates.
Please make yourself familiar with our Gantry Standard operating procedure (SOP) and follow the instructions contained in it and return to me signed.
Purpose of the Gantry Compliance Process
Safe lifting equipment and competent operators are essential for minimising the risk to users of the Weigh Northland Limited gantries. The gantry compliance system is intended to ensure all practicable steps are taken to protect gantry users from unsafe gantry practices and substandard components.
Lifting gear on trailers using the Weigh Northland gantries must be inspected at least annually in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Practice for load lifting rigging and the Log Transport Safety Council (LTSC) Industry Standards.
Only trucks/trailers which display a current LTSC lifting ID card will are permitted to use the Weigh Northland gantries. This ensures only trucks with compliant lifting gear use the facility.
When using the Weigh Northland gantries, Trucking Companies must ensure that their drivers are educated about and comply with the Gantry Operating Procedures, which are displayed at the Gantries and attached on Page 2 of this letter.
Weigh Northland – Gantry Operating Procedure
- Before using Weigh Northland Gantries all Drivers must be fully aware of this operating procedure. Users operate this gantry at their own risk.
- Drivers are to abide by NZTA road rules when entering the facility.
- Personal Protective Equipment must be worn at all times. Hi-visibility clothing, safety boots, gloves and safety helmet are mandatory.
- Drivers must inspect all lifting equipment before lifting takes place. (Chains, rings, anchor points, gantry wires, etc.)
- Do not operate the gantry with anyone on the other side of your trailer. If someone is helping you, communicate clearly and agree actions before operating.
- Swipe Dallas Tag to start. Either the green or red light will illuminate, if its green, trailer lifting can proceed. If its red there may be a problem with your tag please contact the office on 0800 HEAVY1 or 0800-432-891.
- Use the white lines on the ground on each gantry to assist you to line your vehicle up. Line the steerer up with any of the numbers 1-5 located on the side of the cab.
- As you look in your mirror there is a line at the gantry with “H” next to it, line your trailer up with it as this is where the hook is situated in relation to the centre of your trailer.
- Trailer lifting ring must be under hook before lifting.
- Stand clear when lifting the trailer. Be aware that the trailer could swing.
- For trailers with long drawbars, be aware that tow-eyes could come into contact with the Gantries.
- When turning drawbars, trailers must be as close as possible to the ground.
- Moving under a suspended trailer is prohibited at all times.
- We prefer that drivers DO NOT CLIMB UP ONTO TRAILERS TO UNHOOK CHAINS. There is an unhooking device at each gantry that you can separate your chains from the hook while on the ground, if you must climb onto the trailer you MUST HAVE 3 POINTS OF CONTACT WITH THE TRAILER AT ALL TIMES. Never jump down frontwards off the trailer, always climb down using the same method you used to get up.
- Please raise hook fully and remove all bark from the trailer before leaving area.
- Any damage, incident or hazard must be reported to Simon Adam (021 325 232) immediately.
Log trailer lifting gantries at Weigh Northland
If you find yourself having to tag onto either crane to use it, there could be several reasons why you have had to do this.
- Your tag may be faulty
- There could be a fault with the electrical system.
- You started to lift your trailer whilst there was still time left from the truck that may have been in front of you.
- There may be times that we need to call a contractor to assist you, please accept our apologies in advance if this happens, as there is never a right time and we work hard to make sure the gantries are as reliable as possible however there are occasions when we let you down. Please be patient while we respond to your problem